10 Facts About SEO Tips 2023s That’ll Keep You on Right Path

Day by day a lot of changes happen in SEO Which’s why it’s important to keep up-to-date with the new SEO tips for beginners that yield sustainable results. Basically, SEO is a process of improving your site to increase the visibility and rank the content on the top of a website. Focusing on basic SEO can help you to build a strong foundation that will turn you into an SEO expert.

Keeping this in mind, we have a list of the 15 best SEO tips for beginners to help you crack the SEO.

  1. Emphasis on user experience
  2. Write unique and relevant metadata description
  3. Write to human first, search engine second
  4. Remove anything that slows down your site
  5. Use keyword in the right place
  6. Keep users on your site longer
  7. KeepSimple, Readable URL Structure
  8. Link the relevant material to other websites
  9. Focus on Mobile-First Indexing
  10. Optimize Your SEO Visual Content


#1.Emphasis on user experience

User experience is a core component of SEO. because You should generate content that people would want to read in order to remain on your page for longer. This is one of the most popular SEO tips for beginners, since, according to Backlinko, dwelling time is an important ranking factor. So, if you’re looking for practical SEO tips for beginners, creating engaging and entertaining content is the best place to start.

It’s important for SEO to get a share your content because the more people you share your content with, the more exposure you get. This will drive your site more traffic, which then translates into better rankings.

#2. Write unique and relevant metadata description

well-crafted meta summary is one of the most significant SEO tips that most people ignore.

Your meta description should include your keyword for the target and other related words that can force individuals to click on your link. Likewise, when it comes to searching, taking the time to craft a meta description will add a lot of value to your content. Think of these brief descriptions (160 characters or fewer!) that show up as a first introduction on search rankings, an opportunity to tell your ideal reader why your content is worth clicking on and exploring further.

#3 Write to human first, search engine second

have recently found that more and more bloggers and content creators are returning to the old SEO process, where keywords intended to push search results have exceeded the real attributes of engaging, useful content. It’s totally time to change your attitude if this is you.

 #4 Remove anything that slows down your site

key factor in  SEO is page speed. A slow page will frustrate the experience of the consumer and eventually deter individuals from purchasing your product. You might get away with a slow-loading site in the past.

 #5 Optimise the use of SEO Keywords

Keywords are critical because they are the key element between what people are searching for and the content you need to satisfy the need. In your content, one of the most important locations to maximize the use of SEO keywords is. That’s because one of the top  SEO ranking factors is material. It’s going to be a much simpler job to configure your When you know the keywords that you rate with, the website. You can then focus your attention on yourself. About other significant keywords

#6  Keep users on your site longer

As a marketer, Your number one aim should be to turn those one-time users into clients. If visitors don’t hang around to read your material, you can’t achieve this goal. The primary objectives of Search Engines include providing the user with the best responses to what users are searching for.

#7 KeepSimple, Readable URL Structure

URL Structuring is an important factor in SEO tips.URLs are minor ranking metric that search engines use when assessing the importance of specific website or resource to 
search query. Since they give weight to the overall domain authority itself, the  use  of keywords in URL may also serve as ranking factor. 
SEO-optimized URLs, internal links, alt-text images. Off-page SEO, such as connections and mentions on others, are acts that happen away from your website.

#8 Link the relevant material to other websites

To most people, linking out to relevant and authoritative content pages is bad because it takes people off your page. The issue is that it’ll have little to no internal links once you publish a new page. So it makes sense to add some if you want your page to stand the greatest chance of ranking.

#9 Focus on Mobile-First Indexing

First, what does even mean “mobile-first indexing”? Mobile-first indexing is what it sounds exactly like. It just means that your website’s mobile edition becomes the starting point for what Google uses in its index and the baseline for how rankings are calculated. Your desktop website can always be used if you don’t have a mobile site. But your rankings will take a hit if your site is not mobile-friendly; note that the user experience is Massive.

#10 Promote Your Website Aggressively

If you want to attract more traffic and rank higher in search engine rankings, you want to make sure the quality on your website gets as much attention as possible. That is why the promotion of content is such a significant part of beginners’ SEO tips. You could also pay to advertise your content to a fresh and appropriate audience, in addition to organic promotion on social media.


One of the top SEO tips you can bear in mind is the age of a domain or web page as well. Indeed, for your performance, it’s important. These are some of the SEO tips and trends that are the most important and reliable, but they are not the only ones. All of these techniques will help you ensure that your strategy for SEO remains up-to-date and successful.



Seo expert

Jijo Joseph

Jijo Joseph is a No. 1 Freelance SEO expert Kerala based in kochi, known for making complex SEO strategies easy to understand. My path from accounting to becoming a highly sought-after Best SEO expert and digital marketing trainer has been a rewarding one. Over the last 10 + years, I have dedicated myself to helping startup businesses grow online.Successfully completed more than 200+ global projects.

A highlight of my journey has been creating nearly 100 YouTube videos based on my real-world SEO experiences. These videos have resonated widely, especially with the Malayali community worldwide, accumulating nearly 10 lakh views. This achievement reflects my commitment to sharing practical, valuable insights.

Training over 12,000+ students and collaborating with clients in India, the GCC, and Europe, I’ve focused on delivering high-quality web traffic and leads. My expertise is grounded in a strong academic foundation in commerce, enriched by more than 10 international digital marketing certifications and over 100 specialized courses in SEO.

In every piece of content I create, I aim for the highest standards of expertise, authoritativeness, and trustworthiness. This approach has established me as one of Kerala’s top-rated SEO trainers. My goal is always clear: to empower businesses with effective SEO strategies that drive real results.

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