Becoming an expert in a field of continuous change is extremely challenging. One must be knowledgeable about old practices, stay updated with the latest introductions, and also be able to predict the upcoming challenges and innovations in the industry.

Step into my blog, where I’ll provide you with an insider’s view into the life of an SEO specialist in India. An SEO (Search Engine Optimization) expert is a professional with a focus on refining websites to boost their visibility and ranking on search engines such as Google and Bing. The main objective of an SEO expert is to improve a website’s organic (non-paid) search engine results, resulting in higher traffic, a more robust online presence, and ultimately, enhanced business results.

Curious to know more? Keep reading.

Skills Required to Become an SEO Specialist in India

I had to dedicate many days consistently working on abilities, investing time and effort every day. The competition is intense, not only in the physical world but also significantly online. I believe it is more competitive online. In addition to establishing a solid foundation in digital marketing expertise, I had to focus on enhancing various skills on the side. They are:

  • Critical Thinking: 
  • Management skills
  • Technical Knowledge
  • Being updated 
  • Research Skills

Now, if you’re eager to explore the essential skills required to thrive as an SEO expert in India, you can check out my previous blog post ” Qualities of an seo expert ” where they are discussed in detail. It outlines the key skills that have enabled me to stay successful in this field.

The Daily Life of an SEO Expert in India

An SEO Specialist does lots of different things every day, and each one is important for making a strong plan to get websites noticed. They don’t just focus on keywords; they have a bunch of tasks to do every day. Here’s what a usual day might look like:

1.Keyword Research

In handling the client’s services, my first step involves researching topics related to what they offer. This task leads me to identify associated terms and categorize them based on their popularity in search queries as well as search volume. After determining the intent behind users’ searches, whether it is informational, directed towards making a purchase, navigating directly to a site, or for commercial purposes, I then conclude which type of keyword should be selected.

However, challenges arise when I cannot use the exact keywords, particularly when dealing with specific products or services due to high competition. In such instances, I resort to employing indirect keywords that still direct attention to the central topic.

Following this, I take time to understand the intent behind users’ searches. This insight guides me in planning my SEO strategy, where I focus on addressing the specific needs and concerns of customers. By focusing on their pain points, I can remain informed about what potential customers are actively searching for, ultimately enhancing the effectiveness of SEO Strategy.

2.Page Optimization

Moving forward, the next step in the process is to optimize the pages of the website. This optimization includes various aspects, such as refining the use of keywords and incorporating relevant content to enhance the overall performance. Apart from the attention given to keywords, I also focus on managing problem-solving patterned designs for the clients’ website.

This approach not only contributes to an well-designed and user-friendly interface but addresses the specific needs and concerns of the website visitors. The combination of strategic keyword utilization and thoughtful design ensures a comprehensive and effective approach to website optimization, aiming to provide a valuable and engaging experience for users while meeting the objectives of my SEO strategy.


The significance of back links cannot be dismissed. In the context of my work projects, backlinking is a strategic approach to link placement in the content. In this process, my goal is not just to secure any external link but to connect the topic with the most resourceful site that boasts higher brand visibility.

I prioritize linking the content with authoritative resources with a high traffic ratio. This strategic linkage not only enhances the level of authority but also ensures topical relevance. As a result, it contributes to driving organic traffic to the content, leveraging the established authority of high-traffic sites to boost visibility and engagement. In essence, link building becomes a multifaceted strategy, combining content, brand visibility, and authoritative resource linkage to optimize organic traffic growth.

4.Content creation.

As part of content marketing, creating new and informative content not only raises awareness about specific topics but also has the potential to attract a significant amount of organic traffic. Like everyone else, I rely on blog posts for references and updates. Another aspect of my responsibilities involves generating high-quality content. Whether the content is written by me or composed by the assigned content writer, I ensure that it adheres to Google’s E-E-A-T guidelines. I also make certain that the content is engaging enough to convert a reader into a potential customer, the ultimate goal.

The content provided by my team’s content writer is carefully reviewed and proofread by me establishing expertise. This thorough revisions allows for additional improvements or corrections, ensuring the final output aligns the highest standards of quality and compliance with Search Engine guidelines.


Analytics refers to the metrics measuring the performance of the website, including actions taken, clicks, conversions, and engagement ratios. When I take up on a new client, one of my other tasks involve getting into the analytics of the site. I investigate the sources of existing traffic, identify additional channels customers use to interact with the site, determine the primary contributing country, and gather insights into the age group and buyer persona of the clients. Additionally, I analyze which webpage on the site boosts the most engagement. This thorough analysis aids in formulating a strategic action plan.

Having a reliable tracking system proves advantageous at every step of the way for me. The subsequent actions I take are based on these metrics rather than assumptions. Previously, I used universal analytics, but it has since ceased its operations. Currently, I utilize Google Analytics 4 for this process.

6.Mobile Optimization

Given that a significant number of online users conduct searches from mobile devices and spend a majority of their time on them, ensuring a mobile-friendly website is imperative. My subsequent task involves guaranteeing that my client’s website is not only mobile-friendly but also boasts optimal loading speed. It should maintain a clean and uncluttered appearance, incorporating white space and a neat design. The website must seamlessly adapt to various devices, providing a fitted and cohesive experience.

It’s important to note that Google utilizes different bots for desktop and mobile searches. There are Googlebot desktop and Googlebot smartphones. Consequently, the performance and visibility of the website should be optimized effectively according to both types of users.

How To Stay Focused

In between all the work and responsibilities, staying focused and accomplishing daily tasks can be challenging. This is when I prioritize tasks based on their importance – categorizing them as high, medium, or low priorities.

  • High-priority tasks include technical corrections after auditing, GA4 integrations, tracking, and historical optimization. These are important activities that demand immediate attention. 
  • Tasks of medium priority involve creating new pages and blogs, as well as building foundational backlinks. These tasks contribute significantly to the overall strategy but may not require immediate attention.
  • Low-priority tasks cover devising a pillar page strategy, establishing topical authority, and enriching content with informational quality. These tasks are important for the long-term strategy but may not be as time-sensitive as high-priority tasks. 

This prioritization approach helps me to make sure that major tasks are addressed properly while also allowing for the effective management of tasks with varying levels of urgency and importance.

Coordinating My Team

Over the years, I have successfully built my own team, enabling the delegation of various projects based on each member’s experience and expertise. Responsibilities are distributed among team members for on-page optimization, off-page optimization, technical SEO, content writing, social media management, Local SEO, Mobile SEO, International SEO and more. This strategic delegation allows me to oversee and engage in a broader range of projects.

Following a hierarchical structure, each team member holds distinct positions and responsibilities. To facilitate communication and project tracking, my team utilizes a CRM system. Regular updates on project progress and assigned tasks are communicated through this system. Team members actively participate in discussions and presentations on new updates and strategies, all of which are taken into consideration.

Moreover, team members contribute by developing case studies related to their respective specializations. As part of their responsibilities, they present weekly and monthly reports to clients, ensuring ongoing transparency and keeping clients informed about the progress of their projects. This collaborative and organized approach within the team enhances efficiency and contributes to the overall success of our projects.


At the end of the day, being an SEO specialist in India feels like having a job with numerous roles. There are many daily tasks to handle, and on some days, I might not be able to complete the required tasks within the specified time frame. However, I make an effort to catch up as soon as possible. Transitioning from being an SEO expert in Kerala to becoming recognized globally was a challenging journey. There are many challenges that an SEO expert in India faces.

Being involved in various projects helps me to upgrade my real-time experience. One must not only focus on consultation after a while if you want to stay relevant and upgraded. Whether you are an entrepreneur or a small business owner, if you want to enhance your online presence and rank at the top of search engine results, get in touch today.

Seo expert

Jijo Joseph

Jijo Joseph is a No. 1 Freelance SEO expert Kerala based in kochi, known for making complex SEO strategies easy to understand. My path from accounting to becoming a highly sought-after Best SEO expert and digital marketing trainer has been a rewarding one. Over the last 10 + years, I have dedicated myself to helping startup businesses grow online.Successfully completed more than 200+ global projects.

A highlight of my journey has been creating nearly 100 YouTube videos based on my real-world SEO experiences. These videos have resonated widely, especially with the Malayali community worldwide, accumulating nearly 10 lakh views. This achievement reflects my commitment to sharing practical, valuable insights.

Training over 12,000+ students and collaborating with clients in India, the GCC, and Europe, I’ve focused on delivering high-quality web traffic and leads. My expertise is grounded in a strong academic foundation in commerce, enriched by more than 10 international digital marketing certifications and over 100 specialized courses in SEO.

In every piece of content I create, I aim for the highest standards of expertise, authoritativeness, and trustworthiness. This approach has established me as one of Kerala’s top-rated SEO trainers. My goal is always clear: to empower businesses with effective SEO strategies that drive real results.

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